endpoint n. 端点(具体语境中指代不同,有可能是端口、交互双方、网址等意思)
synchronous adj. 同步的
asynchronous adj. 异步的
non-blocking adj. 非阻塞的
invoke vt. 请求
overloaded v. 重载
exposes v.暴露
Retrieves v. 取回
Rendering v.n. 渲染
aborted adj. 夭折的,失败的
omitted adj. 省略的
wrapper n. 包装器
converter n. 转换器
Interceptor n. 过滤器
robust adj. 健壮的
optimization n.最佳化
leverage n.杠杆 影响力
scalable adj. 可扩展的
accommodate v. 提供,适应
proliferation n. 激增
iteration n. 迭代
layers n. 底层
stereotype n. 模板
widget n.控件
Flat File n.
A flat file, also known as a text database, is a type of database that stores data in a plain text format. Flat file databases were developed and implemented in the early 1970s by IBM.
suspend v.挂起
mute v. 静音、沉默
resume v. 恢复
redundant adj. 多余的
scratch n. 草稿
descriptors n. 描述符
facets n. 方面
artifact n. abort “Artifact” is a pretty broad term when it comes to software development. Most pieces of software have a lot of artifacts that are necessary for them to run. Some artifacts explain how a piece of software is supposed to work, while others actually allow that program to run.